Welcome to the home of the Nexyverse!!!
SO exciting to finally have a website and home of my own!!
Thank you everyone for being so patient with me while I sorted all this out, it was QUITE the mission… but we’re here now!
Thank you SO much as well to SwishStream for all your swishy design, artwork and support building this, I couldn’t have done this alone! 🧡💜
Now although I’ve spent a lot of time trying to debug and streamline this site, this is my FIRST one I’ve made so I’m sure there will be things that need a tune-up or a rework.
So please if something isn’t working quite right or you can’t access something you should be able to, let me know so I can fix it!
Currently the only ‘bug’ I know of is sometimes pictures are taking a bit to load, but I think that’s a streamline and performance thing… I’ll figure that out as I go.
Hit me up on Discord, in the comments of this post, or through the ‘contact’ form at the bottom of each page 😊
And if you have anything that would be FUN to add, let me know that as well!
This is nowhere NEAR the ‘finished site’, and there’s still a LOT that I wanna add to it, SwishStream and I have been eyeing some features off for a while that would make this place even better.
I’m also in the process of updating ‘Getting Pumped’ as the original version of that comic made all the character’s faces a bit… messed up. It’s been a fix long time coming, but has meant I have to re-render and edit EVERY panel… and it takes a while.
That will be done soon though, I’ll post a proper update about it when that drops 😘
But for now, go read the new comic updates! They are linked below:
To new adventures!
Much love,
Nexy xx 💜

Wanderlust Update!
Click the image to head to the comic!

House Guest Update!
Click the image to read the comic!
Welcome home!! 🧡💜
Does this mean that you’ll be able to post more lewd content because there won’t be be patreon TOS against the possession content?
Hi nexy, I absolutely loved your content on splintered cells and the whole premise i am new to your whole stuff i was missing a lot of good things tbh. and oh a tip your website might be vulnerable to sql injections so you should look into it . i didnt try as i dont have the permission. but if you want i can do it for free .