Nexy Comics

Blog Updates

Blog Updates

Website Update and FAQ!

Having some issues? This will help!

Hey all!
Been a BIG day or two with a HUGE learning curve for me with the website, responding to messages and trouble shooting issues… it’s a lot! πŸ˜…
But I’ve got some good stuff out of it, so keep them coming if you have issues or suggestions!
Thank you to all the people who showed me any issues popping up with the UI or error messages they have seen, all this helps a lot!
As well as people who’ve reached out who know web/software design with helpful hints! Apparently we are a community full of tech nerds and I love it 😘

Just please… if you have a suggestion or some feedback on things you aren’t sure of or don’t like… please keep it civil? I’m trying my best here learning an entirely new skill and figuring out how to navigate a difficult process… it’s going to take me time to iron out the kinks and aggressive messages don’t help.
Luckily that was the minorityΒ Β of messages, MOST people know how to give constructive feedback and I’m very appreciative πŸ’œ


I have compiled some info and trouble shooting that seems to be a common theme and easy fixes, so if you have questions or issues this should help!

-The Patreon login isn’t registering/just endlessly cycles!
This one is a cacheing problem with a simple fix. Once you’ve logged in via the Patreon button, all you need to do is manually refresh the browser by hitting ‘F5’ or swiping down on the mobile and it’ll read that you’re logged in πŸ’œ
I’m looking into an automated answer, but for now just refresh… that kinda goes with ALL the issues tbh!

-UI on the phone version sucks!
Yeah… it really does. This one will take a bit of time with me testing and adjusting lots of things, and I’ve already made good headway with it with the help of a bunch of community members!
So give the website a lovely refresh and it should be looking better now with it’s layout and MUCH less mess… though there’s still a lot to do that I’ll be working on over time as I get more comfortable with the program.
Also if it sucks TOO much at the moment, all phone browsers have an option to ‘view the site as desktop’ in the settings which should help out while I sort out fixes 😊

-I wanna download the PDF!
This was by far the most common comment, and a totally valid one!
The reason I didn’t include this is for anti-piracy. Seeing my work on pirating websites with 20,000+ downloads PER COMIC fucking hurts… that’s WAY more than allΒ my followers on all my platforms combined.
This is my full time job, and honestly I’m only just making ends meet right now, so I hope you guys understand that I’m not trying to do some weird shady shit, I’m just trying to stem the flow of the bleed. If I bleed too much, I can’t continue making comics… that’s just how it works.

That all being said… I don’t want to do it at the expense of hurting YOU guys who love and support me here, and people made it very clear that they appreciate the ability to download the comics and read them offline, so I added a download link at the bottom of the comics for the PDFΒ πŸ’œ
This is all new territory for me so I’m just trying things out and seeing what options fit best, so thank you to all the people who let me know they wanted this feature in a niceΒ way… I’ll keep it like this until I can figure out a better option that works for ALL of us.
If anyone has an idea of how to do so, I’d love to hear it! 😊

-Where do I find ‘X’ comic?
This is mainly a UI issue with the phones as mentioned before, it was a confusing mess when I saw people’s screenshots!
I’ve hopefully cleaned up and made a lot of the UI clearer now to find the comics, and I’m also looking in future to have a floating tab or something on the main home page of the ‘latest two comics’ so that you don’t have to go digging for them.
If you’re stuck, you can always use the search bar! πŸ’œ

And I think they are the main issues so far!
If have other questions about the site, please leave them in the comments or shoot me a message.

Much love,
Nexy xx

Blog Updates

First website post!!!

Welcome to the home of the Nexyverse!!!

SO exciting to finally have a website and home of my own!!

Thank you everyone for being so patient with me while I sorted all this out, it was QUITE the mission… but we’re here now!
Thank you SO much as well to SwishStream for all your swishy design, artwork and support building this, I couldn’t have done this alone! πŸ§‘πŸ’œ

Now although I’ve spent a lot of time trying to debug and streamline this site, this is my FIRST one I’ve made so I’m sure there will be things that need a tune-up or a rework.
SoΒ please if something isn’t working quite right or you can’t access something you should be able to, let me know so I can fix it!
Currently the only ‘bug’ I know of is sometimes pictures are taking a bit to load, but I think that’s a streamline and performance thing… I’ll figure that out as I go.
Hit me up on Discord, in the comments of this post, or through the ‘contact’ form at the bottom of each page 😊

And if you have anything that would be FUN to add, let me know that as well!
This is nowhere NEAR the ‘finished site’, and there’s still a LOT that I wanna add to it, SwishStream and I have been eyeing some features off for a while that would make this place evenΒ better.

I’m also in the process of updating ‘Getting Pumped’ as the original version of that comic made all the character’s faces a bit… messed up. It’s been a fix long time coming, but has meant I have to re-render and edit EVERY panel… and it takes a while.
That will be done soon though, I’ll post a proper update about it when that drops 😘

But for now, go read the new comic updates! They are linked below:

To new adventures!
Much love,
Nexy xx πŸ’œ

Wanderlust Update!

Click the image to head to the comic!

House Guest Update!

Click the image to read the comic!

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